Monday, 18 June 2012

Day 8 and the finale

This morning saw the start of the last day, leaving Adenau in Germany with some more racing just starting next to us, for the 400 plus mile drive home to Hertfordshire.

Luckily the early part was again on the autobahn but some slow Sunday traffic stopped speeds much above 150pmh again, with Dutch camper vans being the slowest culprit.

Still just four hours of fast cruising were needed to get to Calais across Gemrany, Holland, Belgium and France and despite it being very busy the early arrival was greeted by access to an earlier train so it should get me back home before 6 pm now.

A very memorable trip and highly recommended to any petrolhead. The car factories were amazing, the mountain roads stunning, the top speeds rewarding and the Germany museums just outstanding in the buildings and their contents.

Where next then?

I need to get thinking and am open to suggestions.

We do have a French trip in September booked with spaces in a nearby hotel and some track work on the Saturday morning thrown in too as well as many other events before that.


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