Sunday, 22 January 2012

PPH European road trip dates now confirmed

We have now booked our Eurotunnel tickets for the PPH mega 2012 road trip leaving on the 3rd June at 742am from Folkstone and returning on 10th June at 1620pm, using the half term week, so only three days annual leave.

Three cars, six people, are booked so far and if you are interested, as its half term week, you will need to act very quickly at least booking your departure ticket which is only £69, so we are all together as a group. We have all booked for large cars with roof boxes or bikes so you get into the high train cars which are much wider than normal which helps avoid kerbing any wheels. Next slots after our one are nearly three hours later making catching up pretty difficult, though not impossible, as we are aiming for Macon, south of Dijon the first night around 6pm, so its not a disaster if you are later. We will be in Northern Italy near Imola and then Modenna the next night.

Full details of the trip will be available on request so please mail me or call 07747 788317 if you require a copy ASAP.


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