Wednesday, 15 June 2011

R8 V10 Spyder

The R8 V10 Spyder lived up to expectations last weekend.  Fabulous weather on Saturday enabled a nice run out to a pub in Mentmore with close links to Mark Webber called The Stag, although aside from one helmet in a glass case, motoring memorabilia was severely lacking.  Lovely location though.

The R8 then chauffered a few friends around the town before the rains came.

Sunday was awful weather so no real chance of getting the roof down.  What was impressive though was the grip and stability of the car even under load so the weather didn't daunt.  No Ferrari tail waggling moments.  My initial complaints about its driver's position being uncomfortable lessened as I experimented with the electric seats and eventually felt settled. 

The Audi attracts lots of positive attention on the road like the 458 which helped broaden the experience and having the soft top is a welcome feature (sometimes).

Would I buy one?  Potentially but it felt a little underpowered for my liking although I am currently spoiled of course!

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